Monday, 1 April 2013

Well, tonight I was on my own, my son is at work, and won't be home until 4 a.m., same as last night, so he is tired and sleeps in, I am at work, and our schedules just don't jive...ohhhh well

So I was a bit bored and figured I might as well dive in and continue with the removal of parts, let me tell you, it's now at the point of no return, for sure, heck I pulled out her spine, brain, neurons, starter, and drained her of her fluids, almost at the point of removing her heart

I will let the pictures tell the story of tonight's enjoyment....

out came the cooler

the coils, should I keep the stock wires, and caps, is it worth while to get new wires, I like the yellow ones, or leave as is

the starter, looking good for an old guy....

the electrical control, nice and clean, so it seems

I guess this is still good

next was the brain, well the instrument cluster.....along with the spine, OK the wiring harness, have to pull this apart a bit to clean the plexi

as of now, this really won't do much, well it can still lock out the steering

and her she sits, almost naked as the day she was started....well almost

As I said, I am really at the point of no return now, no going back at this stage, or putting things back, it's full steam ahead, have to find me something I can put her on, so I can get the front and rear wheels off, so I can at least work on the rotors, and rims a bit, need the swing arm out, to get at the chain, then put those few pieces back remove the engine, and then strip her down to the frame.....soon, very soon, I hope....want her stripped down the week before Christmas, have the week off from work and figure I can get to cleaning and polishing parts, working on the plastics and tank, and get things ready for reassembly.....

I will ask, even though it's soon, but once I have the engine out, what is the best method for cleaning, brush, wire wheel, simple green, soda blasting, etc......need her clean so I can repaint, I really don't want to break down the engine as well, or will I need to......?

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