Monday, 1 April 2013

Rear wheel polished

Well I spent time on the rear wheel tonight, got it polished up, cleaned up and put the tape on, now both are ready for paint. I found VHT header paint to be in a matte black finish, I am wondering if I could use it for the rims ???

I will search around a bit more to see what else I can find, before I commit to anything....

I did find some filler primer today...wooohoooo, can use it on the body panels to fill in the small nicks and such, then a good light sanding and they will be ready for the painter.....

Anyways here are a few shots of the rear rim

I just noticed some crud in between the letters on the rim, going to have to clean that up before paint........

one is taped and ready, the rear was done latter, but I didn't take any pics

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