Monday, 1 April 2013

So I was given the name of a local place that does upholstery for cars, bikes, etc and ventured off this morning to see them about recovering my seat. Not knowing what to expect in way of price I went in with an open mind, yes I have seen some of the skins one can get, for about 90 bucks plus shipping, and then I still have to put it on or get someone to do it for me.

So after a bit a talking with the owner and his son, about my seat, it came down to 2 prices, cause of the 2 different materials.

They had the plain so to speak vinyl or the carbon fiber style pattern

the plain was 150 cash out the door, and the carbon fiber was 175 out the door, this includes doing the strap as well

So is this a good price, too high, about right, or can I get it done for less and these guys are out to lunch, I don't want to drive around all over the place going from shop to shop, I will waste time and gas and then I will be in the same boat or even costing me more.

Other than the price, what do you guys think of the 2 types of vinyl, which one to go with, and do keep in mind, they will not do the embossing, they can't they don't have the machine to do it with, and if I wanted it sewn in, well the price just goes up and up......

So it will just be a plain seat, with the strap done, and that's it

Here is a few pics of the current seat, the imperfections (hole/tear) and a sample of the vinyls that were chosen.

I think I like this more than the plain

so let me know, if either is an option, or get something online, or would the dealer have these original skins in stock still ?

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