Monday, 1 April 2013

Today....what a waste....

So today, I had the morning to my self, everyone was gone out or to work, and I thought I would get a whole lot done on the bike, well after about 6 hours of mucking around, I really don't have a whole lot to show, it's amazing how the time goes, and almost nothing got done, it's like I almost did nothing but sit in the garage and stare at one part of the bike or another.

I left the intake boots in oil last night to try and soften them up, they are in good condition but I think a bit stiff, well the oil bath did nothing, still hard, and trying to get them onto the carbs was a real pain, I really don't know how I am going to get the carbs on once the boots are in place first, I could barely push them on outside of the bike and boots and carbs in my I gave up removed them from the carbs and put them on the engine, applied anti seize and put the boots on, will struggle with this business latter.

So then I decided to do the stainless steel bolts I ordered from Z1, just get each and every bolt in place, so I proceeded, and see that the kit has 69 items in it, and I have a total of 28 bolts that I want to need to replace well were the hell do the other friggen bolts go to.....I was assured this kit is for my bike, Set #660, ya right, have extra bolts left over, and 5 that I am missing so I used 5mm shorter ones until I go and buy the right length, and short one 50 mm as well, right now only one is in as the kit only had much for that

so I installed the oil lines from the top of the engine down to the bottom, installed the starter, and routed the wires from the stator, starter, and the thing there just in front of the cam chain tensioner, at least that got done.

moved on to the brake system, and put in all the crush washers, got some really nice copper ones, these came with the SS brake lines, so I figured lets use them, just throws in a bit of pizzazz, like it really matters, but hey it's done, didn't add the brake fluid as I have company coming, but fronts and rear brakes are ready for fluid....almost done....

All in all, sweat F A done today, at least I think so, hopefully next time, I get into the garage more will be done......engine back into the frame is the goal.....

and now for a few pics....

this is the set from Z1, WOW how wrong can it get, actually everything I ordered from them was wrong, total waste of money and time, spark plug caps were too small, exhaust gaskets were wrong, even the bolt kit is wrong,,,ohhh well

The wires are in place, as well as the oil lines

Some nice copper crush washers

These things are stiff, some give to them but hard, really don't know how pliable they should be, so I really don't know, how I am going to get the carbs back into here...

The money shot for today.....

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