Monday, 1 April 2013

So I picked up some SS Screws here locally at my nearest Brafasco, these are to replace the philips head screws on the carbs, I masked off the rotors as well so as I could paint them, as well as the gang bars for the carbs, ohh ya and the tops to the carbs as well...I don't think I am going to paint the bowls black for now, maybe if I have to pull them out for some reason I might do it then, for now they can stay just the way they are....

so 60 allen head bolts stainless steel, and 40 lock washers and 40 washers was 21 bucks, not bad, not great, but hey they had them and I wasn't concerned over a few bucks here or there

and here are a few pics


carb caps

old screws

new screws, there are more, but I have already put some on

and here are some in place....

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