Monday, 1 April 2013

Well, they came in, my new set of SS Brake Lines from Rennsport -

I actually took all my old lines to their shop, and left them there for them to replicate me a new set out of SS, and in a few days it was all done, and even shipped back to me, I really didn't like the 45 minute drive out to them, so I asked they courier the set back to me instead, and include my old parts as well.

I can't really say anything other than they look good and solid, clear tuning feels like good material, the banjos seem to be done right, heck they even duplicated the small bends, just like on the original lines. A whole new set of crush washers and banjo bolts were also included in the kit.....they missed a couple of double ones, but that's OK, I will reuse the old ones.

I see no issues in this set, seems like they will work very well, and will look killer on the will be a while before they go on the bike, and I can actually test them out, but hopefully they won't leak, and they shouldn't the crimps look very well done.

as always, here are a few pictures...

what they came in

all matched up

and some close ups

and all in one box, for future installation

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