Monday, 1 April 2013

Engine installation......

Well, it's finally done, the engine that is, it is back in the frame.....

So my younger son, spoke with a buddy of his, and his brothers are backyard mechanics, and low and behold they have an engine hoist, at the moment free and clear......

We get in the truck this morning, go and pick it up, takes 4 of us to get into the back of the SUV, and we don't damage anything, that was a relief...

Get home, but son has to go to work, wife is going out shopping, and I have a meeting with the boys for this years moose hunt....bummer, so before everyone is gone, we get the hoist out of the car, and everyone heads out their separate ways

Fast forward a few hours, I am home, one kid is sick, one is gone to work, and the wife is in the flower garden, so it's me, the hoist, the bike, and the engine, and I figure, I ain't waiting no more....

get the winter tires out, lay a few pieces of blue insulation on top, lay the bike over, try and have as level as possible, grab a few tie downs, wrap those around the engine after I lay it on it's side as well, and hoist it up, excellent....

now I go to drop it in, and issues, right away, the air box is in the way, the valve cover is in the way, the engine is snagging everywhere, so off comes the cover, and loosen up the air box, a few wiggles, jiggles, and a heap of swear words, the motor drops in, actually too far, so I have to pump it back up, line up the mounting holes and drive the long bolts in......she is back in place, secure and not a moment too soon, I was almost ready to go and get the shotgun to help out.....

Moved the hoist, stood up the bike, and had a beer.........ohh ya threw the seat on, sat down, and made a few vrrrooommmm vrrrrooommmm noises, I was as happy as a pig in $hit.......

I am glad it's over and in, and a few pictures for you all....

 Engine installation cont...
some more....

A few scrapes...
Some scrapes....better known now as battle scares...

and the final shots for the day...


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