Monday, 1 April 2013

Well not a lot to report........

Spent the last few evenings, just sanding the frame, I think we went a bit overboard, we are down to bare metal in some places, but all and any rust is now gone, and the frame is as smooth as a babies bum, I removed as much of the welding splatter I could find, and it's probably getting close to getting primed, and then painted, I have decided to give it a light coat of primer, check for any deformations, and then hit her with a nice coat of shiny black.....

At the same time, went to the local Canadian Tire store, picked up a hand wire brush, another wire wheel brush for the drill, some Simple Green cleaner, and a couple of bottle cleaners, to get in between the fins.

Sprayed down the engine, let the Simple Green sit for a bit, used the various brushes to agitate and loosen up the grime, old hard oil's and so on, then got the hose out (power washer is to noisy at 10 p.m.) and gave it a rinse......still some crud, but a few more scrubs, and even the engine will be ready for a fresh coat of paint. Going to try and find some VHT high heat paint, I think this is what you guys are using, but I will double check some of the old posts, unless some here posts before I do my search.

Going to paint while all the covers are on, then I will remove the covers, and polish them up, and then the way,,,any gaskets that are mandatory to replace once a cover is taken off ??

Still have to remove the broken bolt out of the exhaust port, and that big dent in the frame has to be looked at, all in good time, and well before painting....

Going to drop off my old brake lines at and they are going to make up a kit for me for all the lines, hopefully they can use this as a template and have a kit available for anyone else wanting to get some SS Brake lines, price's seem to be reasonable, but I won't know until I get the final bill.

I will try to post a few pictures of the current state of everything, just to keep it interesting and visual......

Project might take a bit longer than expected, son got into an accident with the car, some SOB cut him off, it was wet and raining, and he hit the curb, lots of front end damage, busted rim/tire, control arms, bearings, and so on.....Son is OK, no hurts on him other than his pride, and I was not pleased but hey it happens, he is paying for the repair, but I am sure we will help budget is gonna take a hit.....ohhh well.

Anyways just a small update, pics up maybe tonight....

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