Monday, 1 April 2013


Well my baby has been sleeping for months now, and today finally the sun has come out enough to warm things up, and get me to venture into the garage, we moved here to the new place in November, so everything was just thrown in with no rhyme or reason as it was cold, put on the battery tender, and put her in the corner....

Today I put the key in the ignition position, choke on full, clutch lever pulled in, and hit the start button, what seemed to be an eternity of cranking over and over, but it wasn't it was maybe all of 1 minute, I could hear her starting to get some gas and the faint rumbles of ignition, a few more cranks, and vvvvrrrrrooooooommmmmmm

she roared to life.................sat at about 40000 rpms for another 45 seconds, eased off the choke, let her warm up for about 2 minutes, got on her and took her for a short ride down to the end of the street, back up around the court did this twice, and back into the garage.....

BIG A$$ SMILE on my face

back into the garage, let her idle for a bit, to get her warm, and turned her off.....

added a bit of bling to the rims, and went inside to finish the grouting I have to do on the back splash.....

It was a good time...................

Awake from her slumber.....

and the added bling.....

Have to give her a nice sponge bath, she is dusty as heck, but it was nice to be back in the saddle, even if it was for only a few minutes...



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