Monday, 1 April 2013

Frame is Painted

Thanks to all......I appreciate the nice comments, and it really does make one want to work and do as good as job as possible, who knows how many short cuts I would have taken, had it not been for the encouragement from you guys....

That being said.....

I did it....

The frame has been painted, and is hanging, almost reminds me of my deer hunts with it hanging there in the garage.

I am not happy though, and I really don't know how to fix it......I have some over spray, and instead of the finish being nice and smooth and shiny, it has turned rough, and matte, now that really ****es me off.....

So I used the Appliance spray paint, it's an Epoxy, do you think I can wet sand and buff, or do I wet sand, and respray, has anyone tried either, I am thinking SVSooke, might have some insight to this ? Easy way is to wet sand and take the shine off and leave it like that, or try and fix it somehow.....

Any thoughts ?

So here are some pics of some of the parts sprayed tonight including the frame

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