Monday, 1 April 2013

Well I give up, it didn't work, it didn't come out, it was stuck in there good and tight, no matter how much I heated it, sprayed it, even swore at it......I tried cutting a slot in it, this did not yield any results, I tried to use a screw extractor, this did not work either, all it did was drill out the screw, leave a bit of it in the hole, and now I have the same mess as I do on the exhaust.....

I am really giving up on this, if I get another broken bolt, I am really going to lose it....

So for now, I am gong to work on other things, that don't involve removing bolts, cause all the other ones have been removed, I think, and no others have broken, thus far.

Have to find a shop to weld up the frame, going to make the tool to remove the dents from the exhaust pipes, gonna do some more sanding of the plastics, and start on the tank, wire wheel all the little bits and pieces, and generally get things ready for paint, or ready to go back on the bike, If I get the frame fixed before Christmas, I will paint it and let it cure. As well I will paint the calipers, rims, and all the little nick nacks as well.

This broken bolt business is for the birds, and those who probably know more than I do on how to remove them. I will seek professional help, on getting the 2 messed up ones fixed, I am not even going to try to do it on my own at this point.

Going to continue with things I can do, and hopefully not make any more boo boo's....

After I have done enough of the stuff I mentioned I will take a few pics, of the things clean....and fixed....

I will try to get some of it done by the weekend

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