Monday, 1 April 2013

Assembly has begun....

OK, thanks to all the input, I have decided to not worry so much about the little bit of overspray on the frame, generally speaking it is not too bad, and the parts that will be visible are OK anyways, I will still look at buffing out a bit of the overspray, but I will not fret over it.

So that being said, I started to assemble......

Just a few things here and there, just to see how things will look, and, well, I like it.......

I am finding however that I will need new bearings for the steering, after putting them back on, there is a dead spot, so it's not smooth going from lock to lock,,,,,crap, I was hoping not to need to do this, but it happens I guess.

the only other thing I don't like, is one I start tightening the screws to hold on certain parts, the paint tends to crack, and small bits flake off, I wonder if this is because the paint has not cured yet ? I hope so, so I will not be doing a whole lot, until this frame cures a bit more

So here are a few pictures of my progress.......

pictures taken courtesy of my son, I am at work, and I ran out of time to take any before my shift started.....

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