Monday, 1 April 2013

OK, so I was cheap, and didn't want to pay the glass man 40 bucks for a new piece of glass for the instrument cluster, so I went to my local Home Depot and picked up a bit of plexiglass, 5 bucks was all it cost me.

traced out the original onto the plexiglass, used my jig saw, cut out the part I needed, drilled the small hole for the trip reset, put the rubber gasket around the plexiglass, fitted it all back together, and bingo,,,all done

Not the same as the original glass, has glare, but it's not cracked, and since it's so easy to do, when I find a piece of frosted plexi, I will do it all over again....

By the way, I cut one, but it was a bit too big, and sanding was going to take forever by hand, so I just cut a second one, and it fit like a glove....

no more crack

not too bad....

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