Monday, 1 April 2013

So tonight we took the front end off, it came off rather quickly, and without too much effort, shocks are draining as we speak, going to let them drain overnight, and disassemble them tomorrow. Everything else will get cleaned, and wire wheeled then painted.

So the only thing left now is the air box and engine in the frame, that is next, and we start the long process of cleaning, sanding, polishing, painting each and every single item, before we can start the rebuild.

I hope the way the bike is now, engine sitting on the garage floor will not hurt anything, it will be soon that it will be pulled but not right away, I tried to get off the floor with some pieces of wood but that did not work out, so she has to be the way it is.

Here are a few pics of tonights work.

I do hope the pics thus far have been of interest, to one and all, and especially to those thinking of doing this type of work as well, it's been great fun, and I have really enjoyed sharing this with you all....

this is the last part to come out....

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