Monday, 1 April 2013

syncd carbs

Well today my good buddy and new friend stopped by to help me sync the carbs, and make sure all was good with respect to running and idling and so on...

So about 1:15 Spyug pulls up in front of the house, with tools in hand, and dressed as though he was going to a night club, and not as though he was going to work on a bike,,,,I guess he thought I was going to do the work, and he was just going to point out and tell me what and how to do it....

Then again my bike being clean and all, neither one of us would end up getting dirty, at least not in syncing carbs....

So we hook up the IV bottle fill it up with gas, attach to the fuel line, block off the vacuum hose, hookup the carb tune gizmo, and start her up....

hit the button, she cranked over like 2 times and vrrrrrooooommmm she springs to life.

Looking at the carb tune I am almost dead on with the readings, but for chits and giggles we decided to fine tune even more, so bit by bit we get it just about 100% perfect, I think we hit 99%, and I think that is more than good enough for me.....adjust the idle a bit, loosened up the throttle cable a bit it was some what tight, and that was it.....

well,,,,we had lunch, some beer, and Slivovica, should have had more of that, but we can do that next time....

Spyug packed up the tools, the carb tune, and off he rode into the sunset...ok he went home...LOL

Thanks for the help Spyug, and the compliments on the bike, I did try my somewhat best to get her in the shape she is if only that KAT didn't slip away from me.....

Overall it was a great afternoon, bike is running just right, by Monday I will have tires ordered, and I will firm up the deal to get the tins painted, I should be on the road before the end of the month.......

A few pictures to show off today, sorry forgot to take pics of the carb tune device, my bad....

but you will see my ball and rod, getting ready to pop those dents out of the pipes.....I hope....

this is a 1 inch ball, on a 3/8 steel rod,,,,I think the rod is too thick, I don't see how it's going to follow the bend of the pipe,,,,I think it should have been a thinner rod....


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