Monday, 1 April 2013

prepping for paint....

So I am leaving the broken bolts for the moment, I will get back to them latter, and to take my mind off, I have started to prep my various parts for painting, however I really don't know how far to strip the parts down, before I lay on the paint, do I just take off the rough spots, do I take it down to bare metal, do I just scuff up areas, and spray......?

I have attached a few pics of various parts, and various degrees of paint stripping, and prepping, question is what is right what is wrong, is there too much or too little, will not enough look like crap, and will taking it all off give me better results, but take up the next month to get it down to the bare metal on most items......

Please anyone who has done this, how far do you take it.....?

just the bad parts, that were corroded and rusted

trying not to damage the fins too much, some did get bent but I fixed them

is this enough, not enough ?

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