Monday, 1 April 2013

painted the rims

Well I did it..........hopefully they turn out, and if not, back to stripping, and we can do it all over again, I think there is one run, but maybe my eyes are seeing something that is not there or the run is on the taped portion

It's been a long time since I sprayed anything with a rattle can, and man o man the stuff comes out quick and lots of it, so I tried to do light coats but a lot of them, I will know better tomorrow, once it dries a bit harder.....

I used the engine enamel paint, same thing I will use for the engine, so lets see how it lays and shines......

Yes Flyboy I went the shiny route, might be tacky, might not, we shall see, I can always hit it with some clear satin varathane to dull it down a bit

well here are a few pics

almost like a crime scene

and letting them dry, don't have a heat lamp, but this contractor lamp gets things warm as well

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