Well, I couldn't wait any longer, to try and get to the shop, so I busted out the tarps, covered everything up as best a possible, and hit the frame with primer.....
yesterday I sanded down the JB Weld, and other spots I missed initially, then I wiped her down with paint thinner, and let her dry overnight.
Hooked her up by the tail end, and hit her with a can of primer....
you know, I almost feel like painting the frame in something other than black, this brown/orange looking primer almost looks cool......
but I won't do it.....
now she's gonna stay strung up like this for a few days, gonna let the prime really cure up, then sand any runs (yes there are a few), touch those up, and by next week I should be able to get to the shop and hit the paint, I was really trying to get it done by this weekend, but life got in the way, everyone but me is working odd hours and shifts, so I am left with no car, so I can't even get to the shop......that's all OK, hopefully next week, and I will be moving on to assembly....
here are a few pics, some are really cool
I could almost nickname the bike "The Pumpkin"......but I will not....

ohhhh and the whole house now stinks, like a body shop.......
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