Monday, 1 April 2013


Well my baby has been sleeping for months now, and today finally the sun has come out enough to warm things up, and get me to venture into the garage, we moved here to the new place in November, so everything was just thrown in with no rhyme or reason as it was cold, put on the battery tender, and put her in the corner....

Today I put the key in the ignition position, choke on full, clutch lever pulled in, and hit the start button, what seemed to be an eternity of cranking over and over, but it wasn't it was maybe all of 1 minute, I could hear her starting to get some gas and the faint rumbles of ignition, a few more cranks, and vvvvrrrrrooooooommmmmmm

she roared to life.................sat at about 40000 rpms for another 45 seconds, eased off the choke, let her warm up for about 2 minutes, got on her and took her for a short ride down to the end of the street, back up around the court did this twice, and back into the garage.....

BIG A$$ SMILE on my face

back into the garage, let her idle for a bit, to get her warm, and turned her off.....

added a bit of bling to the rims, and went inside to finish the grouting I have to do on the back splash.....

It was a good time...................

Awake from her slumber.....

and the added bling.....

Have to give her a nice sponge bath, she is dusty as heck, but it was nice to be back in the saddle, even if it was for only a few minutes...


add ons tank protector and cargo net

Well can't ride, it's **** pouring rain, all day, so I went shopping this morning, and got a few goodies for the bike, and for me...

I purchased some gloves, didn't take pictures of them, but I did get a tank protector and cargo net for the bike...

took pictures of that...LOL

I will get riding as soon as the rain stops.........hopefully soon

Today's short ride, only 29 km, but it was just a check on all systems, and making sure nothing was going to fly off, or fall apart on me. It's running well, some popping on deceleration (have to figure that one out) but over all, she pulls good in all gears, and will move if I open up the throttle, some vibration on the mirrors, but going to get new ones anyways...

Over all it was a nice short test ride....

I didn't take the camera with me, so a few shots after I got back.

All Done.....

Well I am calling it quits, I believe this project is done, and I would like to wrap up this thread, with a few pictures that I took tonight.

It's bee fun, it's been a great time, met a lot of people during this build and even established a new friend (Spyug) he is not too far away, but we have been in touch a few times, and have become good buddies, I like that this build brought to me more than just a bike, it also brought me a new friend, and a lot more friends here on this Worl Wide Web, and this great forum.....many Thanks to you all, for the help, encouragement, guidance, tips and tricks and even the odd kick in the pants to keep it going.....

There are but a few minor details left, but she is complete and road worthy, the trip show 1.4 Km good enough to tell me she goes, and hopefully will not let me down, well at least not for a few miles and days....

I will see if I can take a few more pictures in different settings and places, but these are where it all started back in November, so it's fitting to finish up here....

These are a bit larger than all the others, and some fun pics as well...

Hope you all enjoy.....



all done video
And here is the video.....

Decals are on.....

Well, I followed the consensus of the board members here and went with the small SUZUKI decal for the tank.....

Put them on, and it does look good.....I think

decals 3

Couldn't sleep, so I did a bit more work....get's me closer to getting the tins on the bike....

Well a bit of work this morning.....

reveal 2
and a few outside

Well that's it for today, I have no more time, and I didn't even get the front fender on....

more work still ahead, and more pics to come....

plus I have an issue with one of the side panels, the nub is on crooked, so I can't put the bloody thing on......@$%@#%@#$%#@$%#

front fender
OHHHH boy, I had more time than I thought, so I got the front fender on as well,,,man what a PITA those 4 little bolts holding the thing on, such a pain to get back in....and I didn't, couldn't get the 4 washers in either, or those side marker thingies....ohhhhh well

Well maybe, if I have time I will do the front nose piece as well.....but I doubt it....have a wedding to go to....LOL, I have to go and get ready....wife is already yelling at me....
front nose
Well I am no officially done for today...

time to go...... 
Some quick math.....

tires - 250
battery - 125
tin painting - 400
decals - 60
header wrap - 120
SS nuts and bolts - 100
SS brake lines - 120
brake pads, engine gaskets, seals, etc - 250
R1 throttle tube and grips - 25
seat upholstery - 250
LED relay - 10
carb O ring kit - 25 ?
various spray cans, primer/paint, engine, frame, etc - 100
polishing compounds - 30
electrical tape - 7
rear tail - 35
and in case I forgot anything - 75

Total - 1982.00 give or take.....

my time and labor, blood, sweat, and tears and complete enjoyment and satisfaction - priceless...........

Overall not a bad price to pay for the end result, I figure it can give me back another 30 years of enjoyment, not sure if I can take and use that much.....

but since November to now it's been fun, and with it being spread out over the many months, it's not so bad on the pocket book, even the wife didn't mind, well most times she didn't.....

the bulk of the money was in the big things tires, battery, seat, not much one could have saved on, maybe the seat, the painting etc, but it would have looked no where near as good as she does right now.....

I figure I will have some good use out of the bike, and if and when my son wants to take over, he will have many miles ahead of him on the bike as well.