Thursday, 11 July 2013

All is once again good to go, the bike is running great, have gone out on a few rides, work and back, and so on....

Starts great, runs great, idles nicely, and no more stalling at lights and stop signs anymore, I think all my issues are resolved, well the last few I have had, I still have slippage when I hit the throttle hard, but that should be an easy fix, get some new fiber clutch plates and I should be good....

Thanks to all for the help and advice

Big Thanks to SVSooke for the coils, wouldn't be riding without them.....

Hey the bike now stalls when I remove number one lead, so it must have been coils all along.....

ohhh I still get a bit of smoke out the exhaust, but not as much as before, I guess it's good when all cylinders are working as they should.....

And as always here are a few pictures of the bike....

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

It's working, so I will keep at it......

So I went for a short ride, firstly to start, choke full, hit the button and bit of throttle she started right up, I did try without throttle, no go....

ran on choke for about half minute, took it off and she was idling, nice....

went for a ride, well she seems to be working quite well, no stuttering on acceleration, a bit of popping decel, but I like that anyways, but I am sure it's not good.

she is smoking a crap load, but it's OK, it's the oil that spilled on the header and is soaked a bit in the wrap, I am sure over time she will burn that off and all will be well....

I am also finding she is not stalling out on me or trying to as I slow down and come to a stop, as she used to in the perhaps the coil was to blame all along......I am now no longer needing to keep on blipping the throttle to keep her running at a stop light,,,,,yay

I still have a clutch issue, I can be around 5-6 grand in the rpms twist the throttle and the bike no go, but the rpm's climb, so either new springs are needed or fibre plates, I don't ever remember changing either so it just might be time....

It was a good little run tonight I am glad she is running as well as she is, a bit of tweaking and maybe I get her running even better, but if not and it's how it is now, I will be happy....I have trust back in the old girl....

I did however notice one more thing, I have exhaust leaking out of the rivets that are on the Yosh can, the ones that hold the can to the pipe and the ones holding the metal decal....I wonder if I need to do anything about that, I do also see that the can moves back and forth about an 1/8th as you sit and rev the engine.....

I think I have a bike I can once again ride.....

Quick update....

Got the bike started, finally and it's holding idle, sounds good, still some smoke out of the exhaust, but all 4 pipes are getting hot....

Now if I take the lead off of number 1 the bike stalls.....yay......this is good I think...

I hooked up the carbtune gizmo to the bike I have 1 and 4 the same, 2 and 3 just a hair below 1/4 as per the book

I can rev it up to 5 grand with a twist of the wrist and she will back down and hit idle speed about 1500, I am finding if I go below that she stumbles and wants to die out...not really sure what to make of that....

so after a bit of tweaking the bike is getting hot, hitting 100 on the temp gauge so I am shutting it down and grabbing a beer while she cools down

not sure what to do about the pilot screws I believe they are set at 3 turns or 2.5 turns out...


Saturday, 29 June 2013

here are my pictures, I hope they help out

a few of the carbs and parts, all clean as well....

Well spent the better part of today chasing down the cause of the issue.....

Carb were removed, broken down, cleaned inspected, float level double checked, carb cleaner blow throughout, and in the end, found=n absolutely nothing wrong with them, clean as a whistle, another 1/2 hour putting them back in, lots of cursing, some bent to heck clamps that had to be straightened back out, but we got them back in.

Put back in the battery holder, vent tubes, wires and so on, hooked up the IV bottle for our gas supply, and tried to start the bike, she just craned and cranked and no start, got the battery charger out, got the spare car battery and still it wouldn't start, double checked the wiring, and bammm found the positive lead for the relay for the coil relay mod was missed and not hooked up, well without it no power to the coils and that means no spark, duhhh it certainly wouldn't start that way...

Hooked up the wire, now we checked for spark, on #4 cylinder and we have spark...

once again we hook up gas and push the start button, but still it would not start....

what the heck is going on

no matter, choke, no choke, throttle, cranking or not, she will not start, almost catches but just will not run

so we go to the spark plug leads, #4,3,2 have spark but nothing at all on #1, not even a hint of a spark, trimmed the lead, new plug, swapped out plugs, but no spark on #1 at all.....

no start, just turns over and over and no start at all....

finally gave up, figure it's now a coil, for the number 1 cylinder, but hey it ran before on 3 of them, now it will not, bummer....

went and had a late lunch, pizza, beer, Cuban cigar, some Slivovica, and called it a day....

So I now know I do need a coil, even though it don't explain why it will not run anymore, but since only 3 plugs are sparking and the #1 is not, I guess it's time for new coils, or at least some used ones, but ones that are working, just so I can try and see if the bike will start, I really don't want to buy new coils and the bike will still not run, I am not throwing good money after bad......

so on the hunt for good working coils, before I purchase new ones,,,,,,

I have put a parts wanted request for coils.....hopefully I can get some soon....

so the bike sits on the car jack stands waiting on coils now....
Well it's getting worse and not better......

This morning was a no go.....

put key in, turned to on position, and hit the start button, cranks and cranks and almost started, then it did for a bit, then it died, then it wouldn't start, full choke, no throttle, cranked and cranked, fired up for a bit, enough to get it back into the garage, parked it, turned it off, and took the son's car to work.....

#%$#$@%^@#$% %#@$%@#$%#@ @%$#@%@#$%@

where is the nearest dump.........

@#%$@#%$# @#%$ %$#%#@$^

can't wait for the weekend so I can spend my day's wrenching....

time to buy a new bike, or at least one that is no more than 5-8 years old....


I went to the garage to see what I can see on the bike. I removed the drain plug on the #1 carb, lots of gas poured out, and all nice and clean, so no crap in there. I then started up the bike and let it run for a bit, #2,3,4 exhaust pipes got nice and hot, #1 not so much, nice and cold, so I got the screwdriver and tapped around the carb bodies, removed the wire to the number one plug and put it back on a few times, and idle dropped and raised, and I revved and poked and prodded, and after a bit the #1 pipe started getting hot, and hotter, and so on...

After a bit it was almost hot to touch, but not as hot as the other there is a problem.....

one thing to note, once it was hot and seemed to be running, I saw less and less of the smoke out of the exhaust, but the only thing I still don't like is that it's not as hot as the other 3......

something is not right, question is what.....

I don't think its a sync issue, but possibly crap in the carbs, what a pain that would be, as with these bikes it's not the easiest to get the carbs out and back in.....

I don't want to go down this road, but it seems I just might have to.....
OK here are 2 videos, I am trying to get the 3rd one up as well...

click on the picture to start the video.....


click on the picture to start the video.....


Well, so far it's going like this...

Went for lunch started the bike up, some smoke but not a lot, not as much as yesterday, but more than before the oil change.

So I possibly had a bit too much in there, now looking at the sight glass, even with the bike running, it's more or less in the middle, this is a good thing.

But I am now finding the bike is being a pain in the arse to stay at idle more so than it used to be in the past.....

I think

a) it's time to redo the motor, seals, rings, etc....


b) get rid of the bike, with full disclosure, and purchase something newer.....

I like the old girl, but the thought of wrenching on her again, I am really not that much in love with her.....

Sunday I changed the oil in the bike, and the oil filter as well....

Some dripped onto the wrapped header and is now smoking like a SOB, but that is not my concern, what is my concern is the blue and white smoke now coming out of the exhaust pipe, mostly on initial start up, goes away but not fully after a good warm up, revving the engine will produce more of the smoke until warmed up,,,, but I think I need to be concerned and I think I need to do something but what ? new rings ? do I need to pull the whole engine out to do this ?

This engine has never been pulled apart, it has had small leaks, but nothing major, and now I am seeing more and more oil weeping near the top left portion of the engine at the top cooling fin.

Am I in for an engine rebuild this winter ? Ohhhhh I hope not...

Friday, 14 June 2013


Well I finally went out for a longer ride than just the daily commute to work and back, stopped off at one of my favorite spots to take a few pictures, and even had a buddy out on his first ride with his new to him CB600RR, it was his first time out, he just got the bike and his license not more than a week ago...

we were out for about an hour and a half.....I still need to figure out why my bike won't idle and I noticed as it got warmer and at normal temperature it was struggling more in keeping idle, but that is for another thread...

here are a few pictures....

sorry they are off of my phone...

Monday, 1 April 2013


Well my baby has been sleeping for months now, and today finally the sun has come out enough to warm things up, and get me to venture into the garage, we moved here to the new place in November, so everything was just thrown in with no rhyme or reason as it was cold, put on the battery tender, and put her in the corner....

Today I put the key in the ignition position, choke on full, clutch lever pulled in, and hit the start button, what seemed to be an eternity of cranking over and over, but it wasn't it was maybe all of 1 minute, I could hear her starting to get some gas and the faint rumbles of ignition, a few more cranks, and vvvvrrrrrooooooommmmmmm

she roared to life.................sat at about 40000 rpms for another 45 seconds, eased off the choke, let her warm up for about 2 minutes, got on her and took her for a short ride down to the end of the street, back up around the court did this twice, and back into the garage.....

BIG A$$ SMILE on my face

back into the garage, let her idle for a bit, to get her warm, and turned her off.....

added a bit of bling to the rims, and went inside to finish the grouting I have to do on the back splash.....

It was a good time...................

Awake from her slumber.....

and the added bling.....

Have to give her a nice sponge bath, she is dusty as heck, but it was nice to be back in the saddle, even if it was for only a few minutes...


add ons tank protector and cargo net

Well can't ride, it's **** pouring rain, all day, so I went shopping this morning, and got a few goodies for the bike, and for me...

I purchased some gloves, didn't take pictures of them, but I did get a tank protector and cargo net for the bike...

took pictures of that...LOL

I will get riding as soon as the rain stops.........hopefully soon

Today's short ride, only 29 km, but it was just a check on all systems, and making sure nothing was going to fly off, or fall apart on me. It's running well, some popping on deceleration (have to figure that one out) but over all, she pulls good in all gears, and will move if I open up the throttle, some vibration on the mirrors, but going to get new ones anyways...

Over all it was a nice short test ride....

I didn't take the camera with me, so a few shots after I got back.

All Done.....

Well I am calling it quits, I believe this project is done, and I would like to wrap up this thread, with a few pictures that I took tonight.

It's bee fun, it's been a great time, met a lot of people during this build and even established a new friend (Spyug) he is not too far away, but we have been in touch a few times, and have become good buddies, I like that this build brought to me more than just a bike, it also brought me a new friend, and a lot more friends here on this Worl Wide Web, and this great forum.....many Thanks to you all, for the help, encouragement, guidance, tips and tricks and even the odd kick in the pants to keep it going.....

There are but a few minor details left, but she is complete and road worthy, the trip show 1.4 Km good enough to tell me she goes, and hopefully will not let me down, well at least not for a few miles and days....

I will see if I can take a few more pictures in different settings and places, but these are where it all started back in November, so it's fitting to finish up here....

These are a bit larger than all the others, and some fun pics as well...

Hope you all enjoy.....



all done video
And here is the video.....

Decals are on.....

Well, I followed the consensus of the board members here and went with the small SUZUKI decal for the tank.....

Put them on, and it does look good.....I think
