Well spent the better part of today chasing down the cause of the issue.....
Carb were removed, broken down, cleaned inspected, float level double
checked, carb cleaner blow throughout, and in the end, found=n
absolutely nothing wrong with them, clean as a whistle, another 1/2 hour
putting them back in, lots of cursing, some bent to heck clamps that
had to be straightened back out, but we got them back in.
Put back in the battery holder, vent tubes, wires and so on, hooked up
the IV bottle for our gas supply, and tried to start the bike, she just
craned and cranked and no start, got the battery charger out, got the
spare car battery and still it wouldn't start, double checked the
wiring, and bammm found the positive lead for the relay for the coil
relay mod was missed and not hooked up, well without it no power to the
coils and that means no spark, duhhh it certainly wouldn't start that
Hooked up the wire, now we checked for spark, on #4 cylinder and we have spark...
once again we hook up gas and push the start button, but still it would not start....
what the heck is going on
no matter, choke, no choke, throttle, cranking or not, she will not start, almost catches but just will not run
so we go to the spark plug leads, #4,3,2 have spark but nothing at all
on #1, not even a hint of a spark, trimmed the lead, new plug, swapped
out plugs, but no spark on #1 at all.....
no start, just turns over and over and no start at all....
finally gave up, figure it's now a coil, for the number 1 cylinder, but
hey it ran before on 3 of them, now it will not, bummer....
went and had a late lunch, pizza, beer, Cuban cigar, some Slivovica, and called it a day....
So I now know I do need a coil, even though it don't explain why it will
not run anymore, but since only 3 plugs are sparking and the #1 is not,
I guess it's time for new coils, or at least some used ones, but ones
that are working, just so I can try and see if the bike will start, I
really don't want to buy new coils and the bike will still not run, I am
not throwing good money after bad......
so on the hunt for good working coils, before I purchase new ones,,,,,,
I have put a parts wanted request for coils.....hopefully I can get some soon....
so the bike sits on the car jack stands waiting on coils now....