Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Quick update....

Got the bike started, finally and it's holding idle, sounds good, still some smoke out of the exhaust, but all 4 pipes are getting hot....

Now if I take the lead off of number 1 the bike stalls.....yay......this is good I think...

I hooked up the carbtune gizmo to the bike I have 1 and 4 the same, 2 and 3 just a hair below 1/4 as per the book

I can rev it up to 5 grand with a twist of the wrist and she will back down and hit idle speed about 1500, I am finding if I go below that she stumbles and wants to die out...not really sure what to make of that....

so after a bit of tweaking the bike is getting hot, hitting 100 on the temp gauge so I am shutting it down and grabbing a beer while she cools down

not sure what to do about the pilot screws I believe they are set at 3 turns or 2.5 turns out...


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