Saturday, 29 June 2013

Well it's getting worse and not better......

This morning was a no go.....

put key in, turned to on position, and hit the start button, cranks and cranks and almost started, then it did for a bit, then it died, then it wouldn't start, full choke, no throttle, cranked and cranked, fired up for a bit, enough to get it back into the garage, parked it, turned it off, and took the son's car to work.....

#%$#$@%^@#$% %#@$%@#$%#@ @%$#@%@#$%@

where is the nearest dump.........

@#%$@#%$# @#%$ %$#%#@$^

can't wait for the weekend so I can spend my day's wrenching....

time to buy a new bike, or at least one that is no more than 5-8 years old....

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