Saturday, 29 June 2013


I went to the garage to see what I can see on the bike. I removed the drain plug on the #1 carb, lots of gas poured out, and all nice and clean, so no crap in there. I then started up the bike and let it run for a bit, #2,3,4 exhaust pipes got nice and hot, #1 not so much, nice and cold, so I got the screwdriver and tapped around the carb bodies, removed the wire to the number one plug and put it back on a few times, and idle dropped and raised, and I revved and poked and prodded, and after a bit the #1 pipe started getting hot, and hotter, and so on...

After a bit it was almost hot to touch, but not as hot as the other there is a problem.....

one thing to note, once it was hot and seemed to be running, I saw less and less of the smoke out of the exhaust, but the only thing I still don't like is that it's not as hot as the other 3......

something is not right, question is what.....

I don't think its a sync issue, but possibly crap in the carbs, what a pain that would be, as with these bikes it's not the easiest to get the carbs out and back in.....

I don't want to go down this road, but it seems I just might have to.....

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