Saturday, 29 June 2013

Sunday I changed the oil in the bike, and the oil filter as well....

Some dripped onto the wrapped header and is now smoking like a SOB, but that is not my concern, what is my concern is the blue and white smoke now coming out of the exhaust pipe, mostly on initial start up, goes away but not fully after a good warm up, revving the engine will produce more of the smoke until warmed up,,,, but I think I need to be concerned and I think I need to do something but what ? new rings ? do I need to pull the whole engine out to do this ?

This engine has never been pulled apart, it has had small leaks, but nothing major, and now I am seeing more and more oil weeping near the top left portion of the engine at the top cooling fin.

Am I in for an engine rebuild this winter ? Ohhhhh I hope not...

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