Thursday, 11 July 2013

All is once again good to go, the bike is running great, have gone out on a few rides, work and back, and so on....

Starts great, runs great, idles nicely, and no more stalling at lights and stop signs anymore, I think all my issues are resolved, well the last few I have had, I still have slippage when I hit the throttle hard, but that should be an easy fix, get some new fiber clutch plates and I should be good....

Thanks to all for the help and advice

Big Thanks to SVSooke for the coils, wouldn't be riding without them.....

Hey the bike now stalls when I remove number one lead, so it must have been coils all along.....

ohhh I still get a bit of smoke out the exhaust, but not as much as before, I guess it's good when all cylinders are working as they should.....

And as always here are a few pictures of the bike....

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

It's working, so I will keep at it......

So I went for a short ride, firstly to start, choke full, hit the button and bit of throttle she started right up, I did try without throttle, no go....

ran on choke for about half minute, took it off and she was idling, nice....

went for a ride, well she seems to be working quite well, no stuttering on acceleration, a bit of popping decel, but I like that anyways, but I am sure it's not good.

she is smoking a crap load, but it's OK, it's the oil that spilled on the header and is soaked a bit in the wrap, I am sure over time she will burn that off and all will be well....

I am also finding she is not stalling out on me or trying to as I slow down and come to a stop, as she used to in the perhaps the coil was to blame all along......I am now no longer needing to keep on blipping the throttle to keep her running at a stop light,,,,,yay

I still have a clutch issue, I can be around 5-6 grand in the rpms twist the throttle and the bike no go, but the rpm's climb, so either new springs are needed or fibre plates, I don't ever remember changing either so it just might be time....

It was a good little run tonight I am glad she is running as well as she is, a bit of tweaking and maybe I get her running even better, but if not and it's how it is now, I will be happy....I have trust back in the old girl....

I did however notice one more thing, I have exhaust leaking out of the rivets that are on the Yosh can, the ones that hold the can to the pipe and the ones holding the metal decal....I wonder if I need to do anything about that, I do also see that the can moves back and forth about an 1/8th as you sit and rev the engine.....

I think I have a bike I can once again ride.....

Quick update....

Got the bike started, finally and it's holding idle, sounds good, still some smoke out of the exhaust, but all 4 pipes are getting hot....

Now if I take the lead off of number 1 the bike stalls.....yay......this is good I think...

I hooked up the carbtune gizmo to the bike I have 1 and 4 the same, 2 and 3 just a hair below 1/4 as per the book

I can rev it up to 5 grand with a twist of the wrist and she will back down and hit idle speed about 1500, I am finding if I go below that she stumbles and wants to die out...not really sure what to make of that....

so after a bit of tweaking the bike is getting hot, hitting 100 on the temp gauge so I am shutting it down and grabbing a beer while she cools down

not sure what to do about the pilot screws I believe they are set at 3 turns or 2.5 turns out...
